Lodi Public Library Teen Scene Entry

Lodi Public Library

The Lodi Public Library is a community resource at the heart of the City’s civic center. While the building is landlocked, it has not stopped the stewards of the library from raising the necessary funds to enhance the property to meet the needs of the evolving community.

With a "no project is too small" mindset, WMB has supported the evolution of the library for over 30 years. As the Library Foundation raised funds, the WMB team worked with the library director and staff to address interior updates, such as lighting and flooring upgrades, and develop innovative space planning solutions to support modern programming and engage new generations of visitors. Due to the site constraints, creative problem-solving has transformed underutilized outdoor patios into usable interior spaces. A west-facing patio provided the area needed for a Homework Help Room to serve elementary and middle school students. An outdoor area on the north side accommodated a small addition to create the Teen Scene. Clean lines and modern materials reinforce the technology focus of this space. The area features private study rooms, flexible tables, and booths with AV enhancements to facilitate interactive media discussions.

WMB is proud to support the creative and dedicated staff to help the library maintain relevancy and serve as a vibrant community center.


City of Lodi


Lodi, Ca.

Project Type



Varies by Project


Architectural Design

Interior Design

Construction Documents

Permit Coordination

Construction Contract Support

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Lodi Public Library Teen Scene
Lodi Public Library Homework Help
Lodi Public Library Homework Help
Photographer Credit: Ed Asmus Photography